cyberpanel specify centos 7 | Requirments & install

cyberpanel specify centos 7

CyberPanel is a Linux-based web hosting control panel that allows you to manage your hosting account. It is compatible with many popular hosting providers and can be installed on Windows, Linux or macOS. CyberPanel provides all the tools you need to manage your website such as domain name management, email accounts and more. In this article, we will install CyberPanel on CentOS 7.

cyberpanel specify centos 7 | Requirments & install
Centos 7


What are the requirements for installing CyberPanel on CentOS 7?


Before installing CyberPanel, you need to make sure that your server meets the following requirements.

CyberPanel requires PHP version 5.4 or greater, MySQL version 5.0 or greater and the GD Library. The minimum amount of memory required to run CyberPanel is 1GB RAM with 2GB recommended for optimal performance.

Note: You must have root access to your server in order to install CyberPanel on CentOS 7, plus to install CyberPanel on CentOS, we need to make sure that our system is fully up-to-date. You can run the following commands to do such a thing.


Here are the requirements for installing CyberPanel on CentOS 7:

Apache 2.4 or later with mod_rewrite enabled;

PHP 5.5 or later (version 7 is recommended);

MySQL 5.7 or later;


Get how to install CyberPanel on CentOS 7!


  • 1. Install Docker on your server

If you have not yet installed Docker on your server, follow these instructions:

  • 2. Create a new user for your panel and add it to the docker group:

useradd -m -u 2000 -g 2000 cyberpanel && usermod -aG docker cyberpanel


What are the required software packages for the CyberPanel 7 server installation?



What are the required software packages for the CyberPanel 7 server installation?
software packages for the CyberPanel 7 server


The following is a list of the required software packages for the CyberPanel 7 server installation.

The list below details all required packages to be installed in order to run CyberPanel 7.

  • bash
  • -coreutils
  • -coreutils-libs
  • -cronie
  • -curl
  • -expat
  • -fuse
  • -gcc-c++
  • -glib2.0
  • -glibc*(or glibc2*)


CyberPanel is a web-based control panel that allows you to manage your VPS. It has been developed by the same developers of CPanel but has a different interface and features.

CyberPanel can be installed on CentOS 7 servers, but it’s better to install all required packages manually because not all of them are available in the official repositories.


If you need any explanation or help with more info, please feel free and contact our professional team.




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