Linux VPS Hosting–Is It The Right Choice For You?

Dreaming of turning your online business into an empire? You’ll do well by learning more about hosting.Linux VPS Hosting

Some of you may be fans of Microsoft; others must be loyal to Linux. No matter which side you’re on, we have both Windows and Linux VPS options through KVM servers.

When it comes to hosting, there isn’t much difference between the two platforms. Linux based hosting, in some cases, will prove to be more efficient for your systems.

–       Higher stability

Linux is more popular for its security and stability, providing a robust hosting platform, effectively protecting your data and making operations steadier.

–       Backups are easier toobackups Linux

Backups are essential. Cyber threats are common; you don’t want to risk your company’s data or other information.

It is important for hosting as well, especially for non-redundant access. For backups, Linux brings the best options. Several inbuilt tools can be used to achieve easier and more accessible backups.

–       Simple administration

Linux systems are simpler compared to other options. You don’t need additional software tools.

–       Basic plans

You can opt for an array of plans with Linux. These plans encompass FTP access, MySQL services, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripting and email services.

–       Technical support

Choosing HostSailor, you have access to complete support. Our technical experts and representatives are always available, ready to help you fix any issue that may crop up.

Linux hosting makes it even better as the platform is designed to offer easy troubleshooting function. This makes it more reliable, equipped with the necessary technical support.

–       Cost benefits

While both our Windows and Linux options are affordable, Linux platform provides optimal comparatively higher efficiency.

As an open source platform, the charges for setup, software and monthly packages amount to lower overall costs.

With HostSailor, you can find an additional option for Linux based KVM VPS servers. Our packages start at $3.99/mo. If you opt for a yearly package, it will cost as little as $47.88/yr.

Our Windows packages are equally affordable. Keep in mind that Windows hosting is necessary for ASP and development tools. Make sure you understand your specific applications before finalizing a plan.

Other than contemplating Linux and Windows VPS hosting, you can also choose a package that provides you optimal resources. You can always upscale later.

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